About Us
Welcome to the Hardies Chapel church of Christ website. Our sincere desire is to "speak only where the Bible speaks and be silent when it is silent", 1 Pet 4:11. We firmly believe that God has fully revealed His will in the New Testament through divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, 2 Tim 3:16, 17; 1 Cor 2:9-13.
We at Hardies Chapel seek to follow the "better covenant", established on better promises, which is Christ's last will and testament - the New Testament - Heb 8:6-13. Jesus desires that we preach the gospel - good news of salvation through faith in His blood to a lost and dying world, Matt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16. We must believe that gospel message and that Jesus is the Son of God or we will die in our sins and cannot go to heaven, Jn 8:21, 24; Mk 16:16: Heb 11:6; Rom 10:13-17. Once we learn of Him and believe the truth, we must repent of our sins, Acts 17:30; Lk 13:3, Rom 3:23, which means to quit sinning. We must then confess Christ as the Son of God, Rom 10:9, 10; Acts 8:37. Then, God calls on us to be baptized into Christ, for remission of our sins, Mk 16:16; Rom 6:3, 4; Gal 3:26, 27; Acts 2:38, which means we have been "born again of water and Spirit", Jn 3:3, 5. Obedience to God's plan of salvation proves our faith in God and desire to be saved by His Son, as we call on God to keep His promise, Rom 10:13-17; Mk 16:15, 16. The Lord will then "add" us to His church, Acts 2:47. We are then " children of God" - Christians, Acts 11:26.
We would love to have you come worship God with us anytime you may. We strive to give book, chapter and verse for all we teach and believe. If we may assist you, please contact us at hardieschapelcofc@gmail.com.